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ABS Report reveals men still out-earn women

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ABS Report reveals men still out-earn women

In the dynamic landscape of Australia's workforce, understanding the nuances of pay structures and earnings can offer valuable insights into the economic fabric of the nation. New figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have shed light on the hourly earnings across various occupations, providing a glimpse into the evolving trends in pay and gender dynamics.

According to the ABS data, managers emerged as the top earners in May 2023, boasting an average hourly wage of $67.20. Following closely behind were professionals, with an average of $60.60 per hour. In stark contrast, sales workers and laborers found themselves at the lower end of the spectrum, with hourly earnings of $30.90 and $32.20 respectively, compared to the overall average of $44.00 per hour.

Delving deeper into the gender pay gap, the ABS data reveals a complex interplay of factors influencing earnings differentials between men and women. Bjorn Jarvis, the head of labour statistics at ABS, emphasises the multifaceted nature of this analysis, highlighting the significance of hourly earnings comparisons in elucidating gender pay gaps, especially considering the prevalence of part-time employment among women.

On average, men commanded an hourly wage of $46.10, while women trailed behind at $42.00 per hour, marking a narrowing of the gap from 9.7% in May 2021 to 8.9% in May 2023.

"In dollar terms, the difference between average hourly earnings for men and women was greatest for managers ($14.10 per hour) and technicians and trades workers ($8.20). It was lowest for sales workers ($2.30),” Mr Jarvis said.

However, disparities persisted across all major occupation groups, with men consistently outearning their female counterparts. The divide was most pronounced among managers, with a staggering 19% difference in hourly earnings between genders.

Median weekly earnings were $1,300, with men earning $1,509 and women $1,130. 

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